The Music Guru

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The Music Guru is not your typical music school as we do not operate out of a storefront location. Instead, we offer both comfort and convenience to our students by providing music lessons in the home. At The Music Guru, we understand that your time is both valuable and limited, and we don't want you to have to spend any extra time traveling to your music lessons. We are aware that offering lessons in your home may seem a bit unconventional, however, we want our students to be as comfortable as possible. It is our belief that students feel more relaxed when in a familiar setting, and as a result, they will have an easier time learning and expressing themselves musically. So sit back, relax, and let us come to you.

42 King's Cross Ave.
Richmond HillON
L4B 2S9

(416) 992-8167 (Voice)


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Keywords: music lessons, music instruction, york region, toronto, gta, north york, music lessons at home, guitar, drums, bass, vocal, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, flute, voice, acoustic, electric, music theory, private music instruction
Primary category: Fine Arts Schools (61161)
Secondary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)
Number of employees: 1 to 4