Cortina Kitchens

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About Since 1987 we at Cortina Kitchens have been designing, manufacturing and installing cabinetry of superior quality and craftsmanship. Our dedication to providing the best in products, workmanship and service has made us the successful reliable company we are today, and number on in the builder division. We continually strive to improve our products by utilizing the state of the art machinery, equipment and technology, while remaining true to traditional manufacturing values and methods. Despite all the growth and evolution we stay dedicated to our artisan roots and committed to the Canadian market. Family members and dedicated employees have greatly contributed to the success and improvement of Cortina Kitchens making it the leader in the new home builder market.

70 Regina Road

(905) 264-6464 (Voice)


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Keywords: About Since 1987 we at Cortina Kitchens have been designing, manufacturing and installing cabinetry of superior quality and craftsmanship. Our dedication to providing the best in products, workmanship and service has made us the successful reliable company we are today, and number on in the builder division. We continually strive to improve our products by utilizing the state of the art machinery, equipment and technology, while remaining true to traditional manufacturing values and methods. Despite all the growth and evolution we stay dedicated to our artisan roots and committed to the Canadian market. Family members and dedicated employees have greatly contributed to the success and improvement of Cortina Kitchens making it the leader in the new home builder market.
Primary category: All Other Specialty Trade Contractors (23899)