Ivy League Montessori

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At Ivy League Montessori we follow the philosophy and teachings of Dr. Maria Montessori. Our aim is to nurture the development of your child without compromising his or her uniqueness and individuality. The Montessori philosophy assists your child in achieving a high level of understanding in all aspects of life. Please call us for a tour of our facilities. The Montessori theory is accompanied with the necessary materials required for our programs, while stressing the importance of adapting to the environment based on each child in accordance with the Montessori philosophy.

9899 Highway 48
L3P 3J3

(905) 472-5500 (Voice)


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Keywords: montessori markham ontario, day care markham ontario, daycare markham ontario, childcare markham ontario, child care markham ontario
Primary category: Educational Support Services (61171)
Secondary category: Child Day-Care Services (62441)
Number of employees: 5 to 9