Cycle Transitions

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Cycle Transitions (CT-is a non-profit initiative that works to increase safe cycling in Northumberland County. They deliver safe cycling education programs through a program called CAN-BIKE Instruction. As well, they have a workshop where individuals can repair and maintain their bicycles. Mechanic instructors are on site to provide support in learning how to repair and maintain. The workshop is open to all cyclists, but has a focus on youth and people who don't have the skills to repair the bike themselves, the funds to repair the bike, or access to equipment or facilities. Hours of operation are Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6:30 to 9 p.m., and Saturday mornings, 9 a.m. to noon. Cyclists passing through town and in need of the workshop outside of scheduled hour may phone 905.377.0337 or 705.772.0781; we will do our best to open the shop for you. Cost for non-members is $5/hour. Membership is $30/year for an individual, $50/year for a family.

739 D'Arcy Street
Northam Industrial Park

K9A 4B4

(905) 377-1278 (Voice)


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Primary category: Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance (81149)