Brain Power

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When students come to Brain Power, they learn to analyze and evaluate the thought processes of themselves and their peers, along with the schools of thought within the context of their daily lives and the various disciplines they study at school. As a result, they acquire intellectual tools that are fundamental to critical reasoning and constructive personal evaluation. Self-assessment becomes a vital part of their lives, and they more easily master subject matter in diverse areas of study. Indeed, the curriculum of Brain Power develops students who become proficient problem solvers, creative thinkers, avid readers, solid writers, passionate speakers and empathetic listeners -- successful individuals in any educational path they choose!

398 Steeles Avenue West
Unit 206

L4J 6X3

(905) 886-6721 (Voice)


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Keywords: university applications, scholarships, education, enrichment, gifted, enriched, advanced, bright, students, children, school, elementary school, high school, university preparation, mensa
Primary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)
Secondary category: Educational Support Services (61171)