AmandaFritz Seniors Residence

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We believe in providing a qualitative and genuine home away from home atmosphere and setting that fosters and maintains the respect and loyalty of which each individual is entitled. We believe in providing a maximum level of authentic care as well as building and sustaining a warm, compassionate and empathetic relationship between our staff, the resident and their families. We believe in taking a role and advocating to ensure that consistency of support is met through our own staff and through other personal care services that may be required. We believe in providing more than just a place to liveā€¦ We believe in providing a HOME.

320 Canice Street
L3V 4J5

(705) 323-6599 (Voice)
(705) 259-6599 (Fax)


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Keywords: retirement, seniors, senior care, retirement homes and communities, activities of daily living, respite, adult day program
Primary category: Community Care Facilities for the Elderly (62331)
Secondary category: Nursing Care Facilities (62311)
Number of employees: 5 to 9