Weddings by Christian

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A professional videographer will ensure that your wedding or special event video DVD will be a treasured record of the sights and sounds of your day. A wedding is simply not complete without the video that captures the moment the bride and groom exchange their vows and profess their love for one another. When a bride and groom begin to plan their dream wedding, videography should be on the top of their list. Photographs are simply not enough to capture the memories of the day. A video with actual moving pictures of the event where the viewer can hear the laughter, conversations and watch the facial expressions and emotions transcend over a person’s face will be something you can view time and time again to relive that special event.

118 Sandringham Drive
L4M 7J5

(705) 718-0727 (Voice)


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Keywords: Videographer, Weddings, Photographer
Primary category: Photographic Services (54192)
Secondary category: All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (54199)
Number of employees: 1 to 4