The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts

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Vocal Science offers a unique and revolutionary Vocal Science(TM) program for singers and speakers. They have been in this business for 29 years and are still counting. They also have a personalized approach to each individual, who is a part of the program. Vocal Science follows a unique non-surgical voice repair method to improve their client's voice. These methods comprise of spasmodic dysphonia, vocal cord paresis, nodes, nodules, polyps, and other such useful treatments.

648 Finch Avenue East
Unit 9

M2K 2E6

(416) 857-8741 (Voice)


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Keywords: homeopathic voice therapist toronto, cure acid reflux disease, natural treatment for acid reflux, vocal cord dysphonia treatment, vocal cord repair, voice box problems
Primary category: Other Personal Care Services (81219)
Secondary category: Independent Artists, Writers and Performers (71151)