Nature Bumz Co.

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We are an online store with a showroom selling safe, natural, organic products for Mom, baby & family!

5726 Robinson Street
Niagara FallsON
L2G 2B2

(289) 296-5320 (Voice)
(866) 240-8080 (Toll free)


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Keywords: Nature Bumz Co. Cloth Diaper Shop,cloth diapers, ontario cloth diapers, cloth diaper covers, chinese prefolds, cloth diapers niagara falls, Applecheeks, Babylegs, Binklink /Fruitabees, Charlie Bananas, Fuzzibunz, Happy Heiny's, Hooter Hiders, Laundry Tarts, Planet Wise, cloth diapers ontario, cloth diapers canada, Cloth Pocket Diapers, Cloth Prefold Diapers,Rumparooz, RLR, Breast pads, reusable diapers
Primary category: Childrens and Infants Clothing Stores (44813)
Secondary category: Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses (45411)
Number of employees: 1 to 4