Crackmasters Innisfil

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Mobile chip and long crack repair up to 18 inches. Also, offering windshield replacement, headlight restoration and detailing. We sell Autotex pink wiper blades (not actually pink) where $1 from every blade is donated to Breast Cancer Research.

729 Park Road
L9S 2E1

(705) 241-4932 (Voice)


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Keywords: Mobile chip and long crack repair up to 18 inches. Also, offering windshield replacement, headlight restoration and detailing. We sell Autotex pink wiper blades (not actually pink) where $1 from every blade is donated to Breast Cancer Research.
Primary category: Automotive Body, Paint, Interior and Glass Repair (81112)
Secondary category: Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance (81119)
Number of employees: 1 to 4