Chung's TaeKwonDo & Martial Arts

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We offer Taekwondo Martial Arts classes in Richmond Hill for kids and adult 4 yrs old and up. All classes taught by 4th Degree Black Belt or higher. We have five Taekwondo Masters on staff, which keeps the student to instructor ration low and you get more detailed and personalized instruction. We also have a family class, so parents can train with other parents at the same time as their kids. Our After School Martial Art Program is the most fun your kids will have after school. It includes transportation from school, Taekwondo classes daily, homework time, games and crafts. We also run Summer Camp, Winter Camp, March Camp and P.A. Day Camp. You can even book our club for your next Birthday Party and our instructor will make sure the kids have a blast.

344 Newkirk Road
Richmond HillON
L4C 3G7

(905) 237-5232 (Voice)


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Keywords: richmond hill martial arts, martial arts richmond hill, taekwondo classes for kids, martial arts in richmond hill, richmond hill karate, karate classes for kids in richmond hill, richmond hill karate, karate classes for kids in richmond hill, taekwondo classes for kids, taekwondo lessons for kids, summer camps in richmond hill, summer camp richmond hill
Primary category: Athletic Instruction (61162)
Secondary category: All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries (71399)