Smoke's Poutinerie

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Smoke's Poutinerie is the first of its kind in the World offering a broad menu exclusive to Poutine. The goal of Smoke's Poutinerie is to bring the authentic Quebec classic to the rest of the World. What makes Poutine at Smoke's Poutinerie so unique? Is it the fries, the seasoning, the gravy, the curds, the toppings or the finished product? The simple answer is that it is all of these elements…plus more!

75 King Street East
L1H 1B4

(905) 576-2873 (Voice)


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Keywords: Poutine, Cheese Curds, Smoke's Poutine, Smoke's Poutinerie, Custom Poutine, Gravy, Canada, Franchises, Jobs, Catering
Primary category: Limited-Service Eating Places (72221)
Secondary category: Caterers (72232)