Tap Peques

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My name is Celina Gutierrez and I am the founder of Tap Peques. I am originally from Mexico and as an immigrant mom, one of the gifts I was deeply committed to sharing with my daughter, is the gift of keeping our Spanish heritage alive. However, as a Canadian, I found it very difficult to find Spanish Books and activities for kids, Spanish Classes for youth and I found it more difficult to find Hispanic and Spanish Events for kids and families. Also, as friends were planning their vacations, they began to request “How to Learn Spanish” enough to get by in Mexico, Spain or other Latin American countries. As a business woman, it was a natural fit for me to fix this problem.

1155 North Service Road West
Unit 11

L6M 3E3

(289) 259-2961 (Voice)


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Keywords: spanish, lesson, spanish lesson, spanish lessons, lessons, learning spanish, speak spanish, learn to speak spanish, language, language schools
Primary category: Language Schools (61163)