The Learning Tree

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We are an all-inclusive fully private daycare centre located on the West Island of Montreal, enabling us to offer an unprecedented level of enriched services, programs in exceptional facilities. Our goal is to provide children with skills that maximize their preparation for formal schooling and to help them develop into academically-prepared, confident, enthusiastic leaders of tomorrow. Experience the all-inclusive "private school difference"! Come for a visit today!

16 Rue de Séville
West Island of Montreal

Dollard-Des OrmeauxQC
H9B 2V5

(514) 683-8426 (Voice)


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Keywords: private day care , preschool, child care centre, pre-kindergarden, Daycare
Primary category: Child Day-Care Services (62441)
Secondary category: All Other Schools and Instruction (61169)
Number of employees: 20 to 49