Team Chore Busters

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Luxury Cleaning Service at an Affordable PriceTeam Chore Busters is not like any other cleaning company. We realize a cleaning service is a luxury not everyone can afford. Families that can afford it expect the service to save them valuable time so they can spend that extra time enjoying their family, friends and hobbies. They expect a professional staff and a professional job. It is our goal to create a partnership between the staff and client based on respect, trust and loyalty. TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More).

1697 Wingrove Avenue
L9S 1S5

(705) 431-7393 (Voice)
(866) 848-9902 (Toll free)


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Keywords: cleaners,cleaner,maid,housekeeper,barrie,innisfil,angus,home,residential,commercial
Primary category: Janitorial Services (56172)
Secondary category: Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings (56179)
Number of employees: 5 to 9