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Since 1957, we have become synonymus with delighting customers with innovative entertainment farming, apple picking and exceptional bakery products including the world-famous Apple BlossomĀ®. Three generations of Chudleighs have brought apple farming to the mainstream, and we continue the tradition today. Our entertainment farm located just West of Toronto in Milton, Ontario is one of many exceptional tourist destinations along the Niagara Escarpment. Down the road from the Milton farm is our 82,000 square foot bakery, that employs over 150 full time staff and services the grocery and food service industries in North America and beyond.

8501 Chudleigh Way
L9T 0L9

(800) 387-4028 (Voice)
(905) 878-6979 (Fax)


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Primary category: Non-Citrus Fruit and Tree Nut Farming (11133)
Secondary category: Fruit and Vegetable Markets (44523)