Procraft Construction

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Combining 40+ years of experience in the construction industry and years as a professional home inspector is what makes Procraft owner Willy Freeman stand out in the crowd. Very few renovation companies offer this extra service and for the homeowner, it gives Willy an edge on his competition while guaranteeing your peace of mind. Homeowners can be assured that Procraft always follows building codes, secures needed permits, completes all tasks to high standard and generally ensures that all aspects of your project are being done right the first time.

1354 Hamilton Street
N3H 3G5

(519) 653-5520 (Voice)


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Keywords: renovations, construction, home, home inspection, home contractor, custom, bathroom, kitchen, basement, experienced, deck, home additions, Kitchener, Waterloo, Ontario, Willy Freeman, pride, productivity, professionalism
Primary category: Residential Building Construction (23611)
Secondary category: All Other Specialty Trade Contractors (23899)