Stein Burger & Koop

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Food and Drinks we sell meets the highest standard of quality, freshness and seasonality and combines both modern-creative and traditional western styles of cooking. To provide at a fair price - nutritional, well-prepared meals - using only quality ingredients. We provide an exceptional dining experience that satisfies out guests. We maintain a clean, comfortable and well maintained premises for out guests and staff. Join us at Stein Burger & Koop and try our best burgers in town.

1285 Elgin Mills Road East
Unit 16

Richmond HillON
L4S 0B5

(905) 237-4196 (Voice)


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Keywords: Burger, Wings, Beer, Fries, Food, Bar, Restaurant, Liquor, Sports, Eat, Shakes
Primary category: Full-Service Restaurants (72211)
Secondary category: Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages) (72241)
Number of employees: 1 to 4