VIP Sitters

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As an industry leader VIP Sitters’ track record of delivering on its promise of service excellence has been its keystone. VIP Sitters has provided consistent, top-notch service while safeguarding the sanctity and welfare of our clients’ pets' and homes. You have demonstrated your commitment to your beloved pets and your home by taking the time to find the best service provider. Partnering with VIP Sitters guarantees your pets' well being and ensures your home is maintained in pristine condition. Our team of professionals participates in theft prevention, emergency procedures, as well as home invasion training. They also learn how to handle adverse animal situations and are committed to a continuing education programme with the company.

200 Yonge Street
M5B 2R6

(416) 361-0000 (Voice)


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Keywords: VIP Sitters, Pet Services, dog walking, pet sitting, dog, cat, Toronto greater area, nurture, care, service, pet while travelling, Dog walking, House Sitting, Grooming, Boarding, Shipping, Cremation, Cemetery, Emergency
Primary category: Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services (81291)