Woofy World Kennels & Daycare

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The owners of Woofy World Kennels & Daycare, Hayley & Marcel, reside on their property of their kennel/doggie daycare business, which they opened in 2006. Hayley & Marcel both have a lot of experience handling dogs and other animals. They both grew up surrounded by the love of many animals ranging from dogs to horses. Having grown up surrounded by the joy that pets bring, it was easy to see their over-whelming love of animals developed from a young age. Customers can clearly see the bonds that develop between their dog(s) and everyone at Woofy World Kennels & Daycare. Our check-ins are often so excited when they arrive that they nearly pull their owners over to get inside and play!

4940 Chute Lake Road
V1W 4M3

(250) 764-4579 (Voice)


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Keywords: Dog daycare, Kelowna dog daycare, Kelowna dog kennels, dog kennels, Kelowna dog boarding, dog boarding, best dog kennels Kelowna, pet boarding Kelowna, pet boarding, Kelowna pet boarding, dog daycare Kelowna, best dog kennel, pet sitting, petsitting, doggy daycare, doggie daycare, dog sitting
Primary category: Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services (81291)