Mr. Iceberg Ice Cream Trucks

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Mr. Iceberg is an ice cream truck company that is perfect for all of your special events. For years now, we have been offering delicious ice cream treats that are exciting and refreshing. Our service area includes Toronto, Mississauga, Markham, North York, Brampton, and anywhere else in the Greater Toronto Area.

31 Lavender Place
L4L 9B3

(416) 559-8455 (Voice)


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Keywords: Soft Ice cream, Slushie, Popsicle Rocket, Snow-cones, Strawberry shortcake, Cry baby, Chocolate fudge, Bugs Bunny, Sonic, Pink Panther, Sundaes, Chocolate, Strawberry, Butter scotch, Pineapple, Cherry, Peanuts, Peanut Parfait, Milkshakes, Banana Boats, Chocolate, Strawberry, Butter scotch, Pineapple, Cherry, Peanuts
Primary category: Mobile Food Services (72233)
Number of employees: 1 to 4