N.J. Preovolos Law Corporation

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Nicholas J. Preovolos, is a criminal defense lawyer based in the lower mainland. He offers his 15 years of legal experience to anyone in B.C. needing his practical advice and powerful advocacy, at reasonable rates. He strives to help people resolve their issues with the law and reduce their stress so they can carry on with their lives. His criminal defense practice includes representing clients in kidnapping, extortion and spousal assault cases as well as illegal importations of goods and smuggling under the Customs Act.

625 Agnes Street

New WestminsterBC
V3M 5Y4

(604) 688-5055 (Voice)


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Keywords: Sexual assault, assault, aggravated assault, extortion, murder, fraud, bail, manslaughter, statutory rape, kidnapping, theft, peace bond, shoplifting, robbery, threatening, date rape, impaired driving, sexual abuse, human trafficking, prostitution, domestic violence
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)
Secondary category: Other Legal Services (54119)
Number of employees: 1 to 4