York Oncology & Palliative Massage

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At York Oncology and Palliative Massage experienced registered massage therapists provide patient-focused massage therapy treatments which are designed to meet the changing needs of people who are currently undergoing or have had cancer treatments in the past. This specialized, preventative and rehabilitative therapy addresses both the short and long term side effects of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, medication and cancer itself. The goal of oncology massage is to enable the client to gain relief of symptoms such as pain, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, constipation, muscle stiffness and anxiety without compromising the their health.

171 Main Street South
Unit 7D

L3Y 3Y9

(289) 221-8501 (Voice)


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Keywords: oncology, palliative care, cancer, chemotherapy, radiation, york region, Registered Massage Therapist, pain, fatigue, insomnia, nausea, constipation, muscle stiffness and anxiety, specialized, preventative, rehabilitative, therapy, massage, self care, comfort care, unique, RMT
Primary category: Offices of All Other Health Practitioners (62139)