Woodbridge Village Farmers Market

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The Woodbridge Village Farmers’ Market is a friendly, big hearted market located on the northwest corner of Hwy #7 and Islington Ave., at the Woodbridge Pool & Memorial Arena parking lot, Vaughan, Ontario, L4L 1T1. The market runs every Saturday, rain or shine, between 9am and 1pm from June 16 until October 13, 2018. There is plenty of free parking at our market. Our local farmer vendors are passionate about their produce. Our volunteers are always there to help with the many special events. It's a fun place for friends to meet and families to come Saturday mornings. This will be our 10th year of operation. One of the main reasons we exist is to encourage our community to buy locally grown and harvested IN SEASON conventional and organic vegetables and fruit.

5020 Hwy #7 at Islington Avenue
L4L 1T1

(905) 851-9118 (Voice)


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Primary category: Fruit and Vegetable Markets (44523)