Sizzling Tandoor Restaurant

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Sizzling Tandoor Indian restaurant is situated on Johnson Street, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Our restaurant features some of the outstanding authentic North Indian Cuisine served with a smile. We at Sizzling Tandoor are committed to preserving a Culture, tradition and standard in culinary tastes that a Customer would appreciate. The Sizzling Tandoor name has since become an icon of Indian cuisine and established itself as the favored restaurant of curry and Tandoori dishes across Victoria. If you are a first-time visitor, you will find our cuisine versatile, ranging from extremely mild to the richly pungent. We offer a richly-varied menu of fresh, natural ingredients, wholesome sauces and flavorful spices.

637 Johnson Street
V8W 1M7

(250) 388-5450 (Voice)


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Keywords: Dine In Victoria, Sizzling Tandoor
Primary category: Full-Service Restaurants (72211)