Kathy L. Purvis, Certified Advanced Rolfer

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Kathy Purvis is a Certified Advanced Rolfer & Rolf Movement Practitioner with 15+ years of experience. Proudly serving Austin, Round Rock, and the Hill Country of Central Texas. Rolfing is a hands on body work that uses soft tissue manipulation and movement education. It re-aligns and balances a person’s body so that it will be supported and energized by gravity. Bodies get out of alignment through minor or major injuries and postural habits that are not structurally sound. As Rolfers work to release areas of shortened connective tissue, they keep an eye toward proper spatial relationships of where the body naturally wants to be.

1015 Beecave Woods Drive
Unit 208


(512) 872-4884 (Voice)


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Keywords: certified rolfer
Primary category: Offices of All Other Health Practitioners (62139)