A Unique Limousine

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A Unique Limousine offers you and your loved ones a one-of-a-kind experience for that one-of-a-kind event. Whether you need car service or luxury coach service, whether you're looking for personal or business-related transportation needs, A Unique Limousine has the right vehicle that will get you to your destination in style. A Unique Limo offers limos in Toronto and limo service around the Greater Toronto Area. To us, special occasions go far beyond weddings and bachelor parties. There are all sorts of events and milestones worth celebrating everything from a Sweet 16, Quinceanera, Bar Mitzvah, Mother's Day and Father's Day to New Year's Eve, anniversaries or any event that means something to you.

2650 John Street
L3R 2W6

(647) 625-5466 (Voice)


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Keywords: limos, limo, limousines, limousine, car service, Markham, Greater Toronto Area, GTA
Primary category: Limousine Service (48532)