Your House Fairies

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Your House Fairies is a unique magical business to help bring sparkle to your home. We understand the lifestyles and mindset of the clients we serve. Your House Fairies is the house cleaning service for you. Our clients are busy people who want to spend every waking moment doing what makes them happy. Most clients tell us that cleaning is very low on their list of priorities but a definite necessity. They want a company they can count on. We provide an extremely good customer relationship. We add that personal touch, being flexible with your schedule. To us, cleaning is not only about scrubbing, dusting and polishing. It is about creating a lifestyle that is comfortable to you; it is about making a living space feel like home.

30 Claremont Crt
L3V 6H1

(705) 259-1925 (Voice)


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Primary category: Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings (56179)