Redefined Health

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Redefined Health is a Chiropractic and Massage Therapy clinic in Edmonton, AB dedicated to empowering people to Health. Our goal is to help families live better, longer lives through healthy lifestyles. At Redefined Health, all our Chiropractic care plans include exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle recommendations in addition to Chiropractic care. This ensures that we help our patients become and stay healthy, recover from injury faster and be better than just not sick. We want everyone to choose health and to choose it for a lifetime! We value community and relationship, and it is our pleasure to work with the rest of your health care team to provide the best care possible.

10118 124 Street NW
T5N 1P6

(780) 760-1550 (Voice)


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Keywords: Chiropractor Edmonton
Primary category: Offices of Chiropractors (62131)