Marc Mani, MD

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Dr. Marc Mani is a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, California, and is Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Mani is renowned worldwide not only for his skill and experience in performing aesthetic procedures, but also for the many advances and innovations he has contributed in the areas of facelift surgery, breast surgery, and rhinoplasty. Dr. Mani’s practice includes many celebrities and high profile individuals who require ultimate discretion and subtle surgical artistry.

9675 Brighton Way
Unit 340

Beverly HillsCA

(310) 203-0511 (Voice)


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Keywords: cosmetic surgeon beverly hills, plastic surgeon beverly hills, plastic surgery beverly hills, facelift beverly hills
Primary category: Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals (62231)
Number of employees: 100 to 249