Ashanti Coffee

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Produce a great tasting coffee “From Farm to Cup” and meet business and community needs. We believe that providing good employment and a good work place benefits everyone. What Africa needs is economic development, not more aid. Aid often allows governments to escape their responsibilities, skews local economics and does not allow people to achieve their full sense of self-worth and achievement. Good employment allows people to provide for their families, reach their full potential, and improves self-esteem. We consistently strive to achieve this in both Africa where our coffee is grown, and in Canada, where it is roasted, distributed and promoted. We believe that communities are not just places where we live and do business but an integral part of what makes us who we are.

8 West Mill Street
N0B 1S0


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Keywords: Coffee, Café, Fair Trade
Primary category: Limited-Service Eating Places (72221)

2018 Township of Centre Wellington | 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario, Canada, N0B 1S0 | Phone: 519-846-9691