Centre Wellington Hydro

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At Centre Wellington Hydro we are pleased to be your local electricity distributor. We serve approximately 6,200 customers located in the Village of Elora and the Town of Fergus.  We are 100% wholly owned by our shareholder, the Township of Centre Wellington.  We provide dependable utility services governed by and for the benefit of our customers in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.  We are committed to our customers, community and shareholder and are very interested in hearing any comments, suggestions or concerns you may have, or how we can serve you better.

If you have a group or organization that would like to talk about conservation, smart meters, electrical safety or anything else relevant to your electrical servicing, we would be pleased to meet with you.  Please don't hesitate to email or call us at any time.  We look forward to hearing from you.

730 Gartshore Street
P.O. Box 217

N1M 2W8

(519) 843-2900 (Voice)
(519) 843-7601 (Fax)


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Keywords: electric, electricity, power, construction, hydro
Primary category: Electric Power Generation (22111)

2018 Township of Centre Wellington | 1 MacDonald Square, Elora, Ontario, Canada, N0B 1S0 | Phone: 519-846-9691