Sierra Dental Centre

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Sierra Dental was created by Dr. Knebel with the desire to offer the best care possible in a variety of dental areas. Dentistry, as with any other medical field, is constantly growing and improving in technology. The progressive nature of this field requires that dentists constantly learn and grow as well. For a single dentist this can be expensive, time consuming and almost impossible to keep up with. Sierra Dental was created so that one dentist doesn’t have to. Each of our wonderful team mates has chosen a different area of dentistry to focus on. They take continuing education courses and learn the latest methods and technology in their special area of interest. This allows them to build skills and knowledge, and also work together to treat our guests comprehensively.

5982 Signal Hill Centre SW
T3H 3P8

(403) 297-9600 (Voice)


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Keywords: Family dentistry, kids dental care, composite dental fillings, dental crown procedure, root canal treatment, fixed dental bridge procedure, dental dentures procedure, sleep apnea therapy, TMJ headaches treatment, emergency dentistry, cosmetic dental services, zoom teeth whitening system
Primary category: Offices of Dentists (62121)