Lionheart Fitness & Self Defence

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I offer personal training and class/group training in fitness and self-defence; I work out of my own home and outside of home depending on client preference. Being CanFitPro Certified and blue level certified in Muay Thai Kickboxing, coupled with a burning passion to train hard and a bright spirit of enjoyment in living and promoting a healthy, strong, happy and confident lifestyle we will work together to reach your fitness goals, increase confidence, build motivation, strengthen the body, focus the mind and most of all create a healthy lifestyle that is consistent with your state of life. Please contact me by email, text or phone call for more information and a free assessment.

*** Private ***
Bradford West GwillimburyON

(416) 705-1654 (Voice)


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Keywords: experience in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Boxing and Muay Thai, I incorporate conditioning, cardio and endurance training within my circuits to give a well-rounded and explosive full body work out. - A great love for circuit training and conditioning drills incorporating Muay Thai techniques - I am very detail oriented, focusing on proper technique in striking and defensive skills - Predominantly trained in Muay Thai for over 9 years and certified under Ajahn Suchart to instruct, it has been my passion to teach the martial art to those who wish to learn. While incorporating and placing a great emphasis on cardiovascular training, strength and conditioning this makes training versatile, challenging, effective and enjoyable.
Primary category: Fitness and Recreational Sports Centres (71394)
Secondary category: Athletic Instruction (61162)