Devato Technologies

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We specialize in today's most reliable and advanced coding languages and frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Ruby Motion and iOS. Using these tools we can build for web and mobile from your first user all the way through to success. We offer world class design and coding, but at a cost that will help ensure your success. Things aren't as difficult or expensive as they used to be and we leverage today's most modern techniques to deliver your project as efficiently as possible. Our team members have previously worked in many start up environments, and been a part of developing many successful projects. We understand web and mobile technology and will stick with you to help every step of the way as you grow and scale your applications.

223 West Avenue North
L8L 5C8

(289) 456-5787 (Voice)
(844) 338-2868 (Toll free)


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Keywords: web development, website, php, mobile, mobile apps, ruby, rails, marketing, web design, hamilton web development company, wordpress, web programming
Primary category: Computer Systems Design and Related Services (54151)
Secondary category: Internet Publishing and Broadcasting (51611)
Number of employees: 1 to 4