Sorensen Smith LLP

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Sorensen Smith LLP is committed to providing the highest quality legal services in the Fraser Valley. We are dedicated to being the most responsive and professional law firm in the areas that we practice. Our approach is based on prompt client service that provides a comprehensive approach to any legal problem. We endeavour to simplify the legal problems facing you, and to reach a cost-effective resolution. Many of our clients’ legal issues can be solved through effective negotiation and dispute resolution, saving our clients valuable time and resources. Occasionally, legal issues do have to be resolved through court applications and trials, and when that happens, our experienced litigators provide thorough and professional representation.

A 45515 Knight Road
V2R 5L2

(604) 705-0022 (Voice)
(604) 705-0033 (Fax)


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Keywords: Employment law, labor lawyers, employee rights, employment lawyers, constructive dismissal, harassment in the workplace
Primary category: Offices of Lawyers (54111)