Sabari Orthodontics

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We provide state-of-the-art technology, modern braces and a commitment to continued education for our team. Dr. Shalev Sabari and the Sabari Orthodontic team strive to provide you and your family with outstanding customer service and individualized patient care at every visit to our office. Your new healthy and beautiful smile is our focus. Through a candid discussion with Dr. Sabari about your treatment goals, we will provide you with that smile you always wanted. From your free consultation appointment with Dr. Sabari to your celebratory removal of your braces, your new smile is the epicenter of your orthodontic care at Sabari Orthodontics. Your overall experience in our office at every appointment will be memorable.

380 Tower Hill Road
Unit 18

Richmond HillON
L4E 0T8

(905) 770-0333 (Voice)


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Keywords: Orthodontist, Braces, metal, clear, ceramic, Invisalign, Teen, Children, Adult, Orthodontics, Ortho, retainer, TMJ, TMD, Lingual braces
Primary category: Offices of Dentists (62121)
Number of employees: 1 to 4