Dental Specialists of New York PC

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Dental Specialists of New York is a unique practice located in Brooklyn and New York, NY, offering comprehensive dental and orthodontic care in a professional, friendly environment.Welcome to our practice! Our goal here is to create a welcoming and open experience for our patients while helping them attain the smile of their dreams! Our office is more than just an orthodontic treatment facility. My husband and I strive to always provide an atmosphere where you feel like part of the family. We welcome you with open arms!

150 E. 58th Street
A & D Building Annex, 10th Floor

New YorkNY

(212) 661-2192 (Voice)


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Keywords: orthodontist manhattan,cosmetic dentist manhattan,clear braces nyc,new york city invisalign,orthodontics new york city,new york city orthodontist,invisalign new york city
Primary category: Offices of Dentists (62121)
Number of employees: 100 to 249