Bistro '67

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Bistro '67, a new teaching-inspired restaurant located inside the Centre for Food at Durham College's Whitby campus, offers guests a unique dining experience in a creative learning environment that represents what happens when communities, local farmers and education work together. Our menu, which revolves around the 'field to fork' concept, features the produce and delicious flavours from across the Durham Region, creating fresh and inspiring dishes in an environment that allows you to watch as our skilled culinary students carefully prepare your selection. Visit Bistro '67 for a dining experience that will delight your taste buds while supporting the chefs and hospitality professionals of today and tomorrow.

1604 Champlain Avenue
L1N 6A7

(905) 721-3312 (Voice)


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Keywords: bistro, whitby restaurant, durham college restaurant, dining whitby, fine dining whitby, new restaurant whitby, bistro '67, bistro 67, bistro67, best restaurant, best restaurant whitby, dining in durham region, best restaurant durham region
Primary category: Full-Service Restaurants (72211)
Number of employees: 10 to 19