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We were solely a generator manufacturer and retailer. We became involved with alternative energy configurations and repairs and eight years ago incorporated STRATEnerGY. We like to help people. Our initial involvement with off-grid was in response to painful cries for help from people who had moved off grid. Problems such as generator failures, expensive arrays of dead batteries or batteries that went flat quickly. Problems were almost always traced back to poor advice from a supplier, poorly configured or imbalanced systems and most frequently overstated system capability. Sending people back to the company responsible for the system configuration wasn't an option and was the beginning of a very steep learning curve for us.

7166 Dale Road
R.R. #2

Port HopeON
L1A 3V6

(905) 885-2542 (Voice)
(888) 810-4709 (Toll free)


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Primary category: Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services (54169)