Balla Media

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Balla Media is a full service advertising agency located in Hamilton, Ontario. As an advertising agency they provide an unbiased approach to strategic media planning and buying. They specialize in the art of on-line marketing, web design and are google certified. The advantage to working with Balla Media is that they truly understand the business and media landscape of the Greater Hamilton Area. They are a well networked eclectic gang of creative and strategic media specialists with over 20 years of experience. They understand that if you don't have a plan to create and retain brand loyalty, persuade, inform and perform, your message will just get lost in the sea of messages where everyone else is trying to be different.

2 King Street West
L8P 4W9

(905) 572-7474 (Voice)


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Keywords: balla media,advertising agency,web design,media specialists
Primary category: Advertising Agencies (54181)
Secondary category: Internet Publishing and Broadcasting (51611)
Number of employees: 5 to 9