Haptic Health and Chiropractic

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Haptic Health & Chiropractic was opened in Newmarket by chiropractor Judith McCann. Our mission is to help you restore, maintain, and achieve optimum physical function through evidence based practice. Our vision is to be a positive force for the improvement of health in the community, through individual treatment plans that empower patients to move forward with their health, and by inspiring healthcare workers to work together to create a healthcare team patients can rely on.

18977 Leslie Street
East GwillimburyON

(905) 235-6777 (Voice)


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Keywords: chiropractor, chiropractic, health, acupuncture, rehabilitation, low back pain, neck pain, headaches, sprain, strain, acute pain, chronic pain, function, wellness, maintenance care, Newmarket, York Region, Judith McCann, repetitive strain injury, musculoskeletal health, nutrition, healthy living, Haptic, fall prevention, fitness, health education, electroacupuncture, TENS therapy, spinal manipulation therapy, mobilization, soft tissue therapy
Primary category: Offices of Chiropractors (62131)
Number of employees: 1 to 4