uBreakiFix Snowdon

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uBreakiFix is North America's largest iPhone, smartphone, tablet, iPod, computer, and game console repair shop. Within Canada and the US, uBreakiFix repairs more than 50,000 devices every month. Common repairs include cracked screens, devices that won't charge, water/liquid damage, and anything else that just isn't working the way it should. All repairs are done in-store, usually in an hour or two, and almost always same day. uBreakFix uses high-quality repair parts, provides a 90-day performance guarantee on all parts and labor, and features a price-matching policy that guarantees the lowest price. Diagnostics are always free, so come and see us any time for help with your broken device.

5172 Queen-Mary Road
H3W 1X5

(514) 903-8243 (Voice)


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Keywords: iphone repair, ipad repair, ipod repair, samsung repair, smartphone repair, cellphone repair, cell phone repair, computer repair, laptop repair
Primary category: Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance (81121)
Number of employees: 5 to 9