Deane Nesbitt Jr. - Canadian Musician, Composer, Pianist

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Deane Nesbitt, Jr. / A.R. Deane Nesbitt is a Canadian musician, composer, recording artist, lawyer, businessman, commissioned landscape painter and author/designer of an award-winning illustrated history book. He has degrees from McGill University in arts and law and a certificate from the Harvard Business School’s Owner/President Management Program. His music is notably melodic and ranges from being quiet and haunting to grand and epic. It is broadcast internationally, has been played at concerts, weddings and other special events, has been used in film and is on iTunes,, and other international Amazons. Copies of his book are habitually traded on and and are on deposit at the National Library of Canada and the Library of Congress.

2 Bloor Street West
Unit 700

M4W 3R1

(647) 233-4647 (Voice)


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Keywords: Musician, Composer, Pianist
Primary category: Independent Artists, Writers and Performers (71151)