Summerside Vet Hospital

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Summerside Vet Hospital is pleased to provide a wide verity of veterinary services for pets in Edmonton, AB, Canada. Our professional team members provide the best possible medical, surgical and dental care for their patients. These services include pet surgery, emergency veterinary care, clinical medicine & treatment, euthanasia and cremation, laser surgeries & therapy or more. We care about your pets as much as you do. Your pets’ health is very important to us, and our mission is to provide the best possible care for your pet. We take every possible measure to give your animals the care they deserve. We value our patients and clients, and we appreciate the role we get to play in your pet's health care.

6941 Ellerslie Road SW
T6X 1A3

(780) 466-4030 (Voice)
(780) 466-4041 (Fax)


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Keywords: animal hospital edmonton, veterinary clinic edmonton, veterinary hospital edmonton, veterinary clinics edmonton, vet clinics edmonton, vets in edmonton, south edmonton animal hospital, animal clinic edmonton, veterinarian edmonton, spay and neuter clinic edmonton, south edmonton vet clinic
Primary category: Veterinary Services (54194)