Nordic Filmworks

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Nordic Filmworks is a film, tv, and video production company in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada specializing in a wide range of corporate video (commercials, marketing, safety videos, training, live events) and independent productions (films, movies, documentaries, tv shows, web shows) for theatre, television, large format, advertising, and web.

9719 47 Avenue Northwest
T6E 5M7

(780) 435-5099 (Voice)


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Keywords: Nordic Filmworks is a full-service video production company specializing in the highest standards of creativity & technology to maximize the vision of our clients. We create, develop, shoot, direct, edit, and deliver incredible commercials, documentaries, feature films, and commercial video for television, theatre & large formats, mobile and web.
Primary category: Theatre Companies and Dinner Theatres (71111)
Number of employees: 50 to 99