The Network

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Typical Day at The NetWork You arrive at our brand-new building in the heart of downtown Gravenhurst, say hello to the receptionist, grab a free coffee and find a spot to work. The ground floor space is great for socializing, networking and impromptu meetings, while the desks on the second floor are suited to quiet, heads-down work. Wherever you go, the space is bright, with plenty of natural light. High-speed internet is available throughout the building. During the day you can come and go as often as you like, bring a guest, bring lunch, or book the conference room. We do everything we can to make the space feel comfortable, casual and professional. *This business is located in Historic Downtown Gravenhurst*

100 Muskoka Rd S
P1P 1H9

(705) 242-2848 (Voice)


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Enable Email link, Website link and Contact form. Without these links, customers must contact you by phone or going to your physical address.
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Keywords: BIA, *This business is located in Historic Downtown Gravenhurst*
Primary category: Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services (54169)