AVESI Stormwater & Landscape Solutions

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Environmentally focused landscaping and landscape drainage specialist. I provide landscape consultation, design, and project management services. I perform general contracting duties and subcontract landscape construction companies, eavestrough companies, plumbers, and anyone else needed to execute the landscape plan. My company operates based on 3 principles: 1. Help keep properties safe from water damage 2. Manage rain where it falls 3. Create beautiful, functional, and sophisticated landscapes I use state of the art Low Impact Development features to manage rain in a way that is environmentally friendly and climate conscious! I can help reduce your water usage and give your property added resilience to wet weather, all while having a positive impact on the environment!

6 Ashbury Lane

(905) 929-3079 (Voice)


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Keywords: Landscaping, Naturalization, Environmental, Environmentally Friendly, Downspout Diversion, Rain Barrels, Grading, Consulting, General Contracting, Landscape Design, Water Conscious Landscaping, Xeriscaping, Gardens, Raingardens
Primary category: Landscaping Services (56173)
Secondary category: All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services (54199)