Muskoka Powerhouse Auto and Marine

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While putting together our new website we were asked to complete this page you have been nice enough to visit today. Tough question for a group of modest Canadians to answer so please bear with us as we ramble ... We are a group of like-minded individuals that got tired of the excuses. "Why can't you provide superior customer experiences while providing value for the dollar?" "Why can't you service someone's boat just because they didn't buy it from you?" "Why can't I fix your car or boat at the same place when we have the best technicians here working under the same roof? We follow the golden rule we learned in school. Treat others as we would like to be treated. Pretty simple. We are committed to providing the highest quality automotive and marine service. Makes sense to us!

696 Muskoka Rd N

(705) 687-0674 (Voice)


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Primary category: Automotive Mechanical and Electrical Repair and Maintenance (81111)