Fairmont Services

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Fairmont Services began its operation in 1998; we began our operations at the Montreal Grand Prix as a Professional Shuttle Service exclusively for VIP guests. With our European partners, we have now grown into an organization that provides you with all the necessary arrangements to make your event a fantastic experience. No matter how logistically, technically complex or creatively, we design, develop and activate a wide range of integrated events on all scales, both big and small. Fairmont Services offers you a professional VIP Shuttle Services with uniform drivers presenting an excellent image for your company. We at Fairmont Services believe that every events needs to be unique and always with a flawless execution.

3551 Boul St-Charles
Suite 303

H9H 3C4

(514) 570-1695 (Voice)
(514) 313-5372 (Fax)


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Keywords: fairmont services, vip shuttle, shuttle services, shuttle f1, restaurant booking, limousine service, helicopter shuttle, professional shuttle montreal, Grand Prix de Montréal, Grand Prix du Canada, F1 Montréal , F1 Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, Monaco Grand Prix, Monte-Carlo Grand Prix, F1 Monaco, Grand Prix d’Australie, F1 Australia, F1 Albert Park Circuit, Grand Prix de Malaisie, F1 Malaysia, F1 Sepang Circuit Grand Prix de Bahreïn, F1 Bahrain, F1 Bahrain Circuit, Grand Prix de Chine, Grand Prix de Shanghai, F1 Shanghai Circuit, Grand Prix d’Espagne, Grand Prix de Barcelone, F1 Spain, F1 Barcelona Circuit, Grand Prix d’Autriche, F1 Austria, F1 Red Bull Ring, Grand Prix Britannique, F1 Great Britain, F1 Silverstone Circuit, Grand Prix de Hongrie, F1 Hungary, F1 Hungaroring, Grand Prix
Primary category: Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation (48599)